The Out of Whack Nervous System
Trauma is often misunderstood because most people think they haven’t experienced it. By definition trauma is an emotionally charged experience during a stress induced state. So everyone has experienced trauma – it’s just a matter of degree and repetition. So trauma isn’t just a single life threatening event but also repeated emotionally distressing events.
Specializing in ‘Little T’ and ‘Big T’ Trauma

If you were raised constantly feeling neglected, abandoned, constantly berated was that not traumatic? If you experienced chronic emotionally stressful events during critical childhood developmental stages you may have developmental trauma or ‘Little T’ trauma. While you may logically know the ones who raised you loved you, experiencing this kind of stress is emotional and psychological abuse. People with ‘Little T’ trauma are often higher functioning but have chronic low self-esteem and relationship anxiety. Physical and sexual abuse is also traumatic whether repeated or experienced as a single event. It’s a more heightened emotionally stressful experience that can lead to PTSD or ‘Big T’ trauma. The results are the same as Little T struggles but also include memory flashbacks, panic attacks, paranoia, and feelings of reliving the event. Whether you’ve got Little T or Big T trauma they both cause you to overly think and react to emotionally charged situations today.