Psychotherapy to Break Patterns and Resolve Inner Conflicts

Ever notice when you’re out in nature you feel so connected and in tune? Your thoughts are quieted, your emotions are calm and your body feels soothed. You feel clear, open, relaxed and things just make sense. Well you’re not just connected with nature you’re ultimately connected with you! What actually makes this happen? You are:

  • experiencing yourself

  • in a sensory way

  • not in a thinking way

How Does Depth Psychotherapy Work?

Depth Psychotherapy is my standard therapy and is the foundation of all our work together. I’ll help you get out of the clutter in your head so you’ll become more deeply focused within. You’ll connect to yourself in a sensory way so you’re more open, clear and relaxed. ‘Connecting to yourself’ isn’t something we do intentionally – it’ll happen naturally. As you process all your hurts, confusion, fear or anger I’ll listen to your words, follow your body language and feel all your feelings with you. As this happens I’ll integrate things like somatic experiencing, inner child work, guided imagery, and ego state accessing. While In-Depth Psychotherapy does involve more talking, these integrated techniques will periodically redirect your focus from your words and thoughts to your inner core.

How does this help create change? It naturally activates your subconscious by using your non-judging ‘felt sense’ rather than your judging ‘thinking sense’. It helps you access repressed feelings, nudge through blocks, break ingrained patterns and change faulty self-beliefs. It’s like an inner flashlight guiding you to your own ability to get unstuck from protective mechanisms that used to serve you but don’t anymore.

What Will A Psychotherapy Session Be Like?

Here’s a great example: